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231 to 240 of 244 Results
Shape - 19.3 MB - MD5: 15a5930c6d223f59c1f52ba0081d493f
Shape - 5.5 MB - MD5: f8a56a08055a50ea78162ab96674e68b
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile - 27.9 MB - MD5: 2e2761cda684037aab6f72c9cad68f07
ESRI Shapefile - 366 B - MD5: 4ac3ed8befb80eaebc18fd9715e6c30d
Shape - 10.7 MB - MD5: 8635f9b1bd0812ba34e3b7e78736a69f
Shape - 3.1 MB - MD5: 463a2cce11c8a9a6c00b661200b10e33
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile - 27.9 MB - MD5: bbe7cae4129edc1c6a8e0aef92715b8c
ESRI Shapefile - 366 B - MD5: 4ac3ed8befb80eaebc18fd9715e6c30d
Shape - 10.7 MB - MD5: 8635f9b1bd0812ba34e3b7e78736a69f
Shape - 3.1 MB - MD5: 463a2cce11c8a9a6c00b661200b10e33
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