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1 to 5 of 5 Results
Tabular Data - 20.8 MB - 12 Variables, 164327 Observations - UNF:6:PHJJ+8SDrYDLBtwxkH8vZw==
Occurrence records of the present-day distribution of the genus Ilex in the Old World
Tabular Data - 197.3 KB - 11 Variables, 3961 Observations - UNF:6:FgLTR+H9YG2yx35XIgVJMw==
Modern pollen database.
Tabular Data - 602.2 KB - 49 Variables, 1350 Observations - UNF:6:4hLJ6qCQikMBhdV2FgWRkA==
dataset for general models
Tabular Data - 421.2 KB - 49 Variables, 936 Observations - UNF:6:DeB59BW50r9ogx2nM+jvBg==
dataset for zoonotic models
Tabular Data - 58.8 KB - 5 Variables, 895 Observations - UNF:6:YQIDPP50LzZO615fq+nx+g==
Information on arc time span and estimated parameters
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